Your school should be marketing to millennials!
Millennials are people born between 1981 and 1996 so, in 2024, they’re aged between 28 and 43.
Millennials make up the bulk of your prospective parent audience and they are the key decision makers when it comes to choosing an educational pathway for their children.
Get your digital ducks in a row
Your online presence is crucial to millennial parents, who begin with internet search when they’re on a decision-making journey.
Millenials are the first generation to grow up in the age of the internet but they also remember life before social media. They are tech-savvy digital natives, so they’re actively searching for schools online. They are also highly discerning about the content they consume - they understand that they can’t trust everything they read, so they consult multiple sources; perhaps they see an ad for your school on Instagram, they’re likely to visit your school website, but they’re also likely to cross check claims via a Google search and see what news articles have been written about your school and what online reviewers are saying.
Ensure your communications are polished
Your school branding, accuracy and timeliness of information, as well as tone of voice, are crucial.
Millennials are highly educated, value education and want to see a correlation between an academically high-performing school and clear, effective and polished communications. Typos and convoluted messaging, broken web links and off-brand visuals will demonstrate that you don’t practice what you preach and your audience will likely be deterred.
Know your USPs
Millenial parents value traditional academic achievements but have a more balanced view of holistic development than previous generations. They are looking to find schools that foster a strong sense of community and connection, deliver exceptional and strategic pastoral care, integrate technology meaningfully in the classroom and develop students’ soft skills, such as self esteem, communication, community service and preparedness for a career.